Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Totally Tuesday!

I have recently become a reader of a writing prompt blog. It is a lot of fun. Check it out here one minute writer. Today's prompt was a Haiku. Here is mine.

Hanging on my wall
A beautiful snow Angel
Blue, Cold and Happy

Try it yourself and post it here in the comments I would love to see your creativity.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday ALREADY!!

OK so just today I finally sound normal again. I still have the sniffles but I am not chowing down on cough drops every hour and I can get through a work day without a nap afterwards. I am feeling LOTS better. I was starting to think I was never going to be normal again :P Hope everyone has had a great week. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and being able to take the day off work and spend time with my family. We never seem to be in the same place at the same time anymore. So an update on me other than health I have found lots of Japanese recipes and I am going to try some. Mmmmmm, rice and meat and miso soup. Hope it doesn't turn into a complete disaster. My egg drop soup was thrown out is was so gross. If anyone has any traditional Japanese recipes or good sites for it I would love to hear about it. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday again...

No I haven't fallen on the face of the Earth. I am feeling much better. After over a week of being sick I finally feel like a normal human being. My whatever I have has petered out into a cold and I have found my voice again. I still cough like a smoker but it is defiantly getting better. Hopefully I will be a 100% again soon and can catch up on my Bible reading and this blog. I haven't even felt like picking up a pen or pencil to draw in over a week. And now it is Tuesday again and I had to go to work. I need a fun weekend now, one I don't have to spend sleeping. Anyway HAPPY TUESDAY!!!! Have a good week. Until next time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sick icky

Well it is Tuesday and usually I would be at work however the search parties have come home and my voice is still unfound. I stated to lose my voice Saturday evening and it has yet to come home. I went to the Doctor on Monday because other than that I felt perfectly fine. It is not strep but it is probably a viral infection that I have to just wait out. Well that means no work. She wrote me a note and I can't return to work till the 13th at the earliest. It isn't much better today and now I am stuffy and congested in my head. Sunday Nathan bought me a small white broad so I can "talk" to him and save my voice. It is all really frustrating. Anyway I will keep you all up to date.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wednesday Site Candy

I have found a very cool way to read the bible in a year. It suites me perfectly. It is all online and you can personalize a bible reading plan. Once you get into it the side bar will give you what your reading is in the version you specify (ie. NIV, NKJ, etc). At the bottom of the reading is a Finished button. When you click it a check mark will appear next to the day. This makes it easy to read and keep track of your readings. Check it out. I have made a vow to read the bible in a year, I have made this vow before and found it difficult to continue so please pray for me the endurance I need. Anyway check it out here.