Now that I have handed out my gifts I can share my latest art prodject.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
More Paint
Ok now that my CTA (Certified Travel Agent) test and nanowrimo is over I will be getting back into drawing and painted. I can feel the rust starting to break off my fingers as I move them back into the visual art and out of the verbal art. It amazes me how one fuels the other. It has been a busy quarter. I can now claim to have no gallbladder, seen the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas and written the first draft of a complete novel. In another week I will hopefully be able to say I am an official CTA also. Now back to painting, the place my heart truly is even when other pursuits and passions pull me away and eat my time. I will soon post Grand Cayon and Vegas pictures then hopefully soon after more paintings.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dry Spell
You have wondered and waited here it is as promised to commemorate reaching 30,000 words and beyond (I am nearing 40k now) an excerpt from "Dry Spell" this is one of Robin's favorite scenes so far.
This excerpt was too long to post on facebook so I am posting it here to share.
Kailyn was asleep as soon as she sunk into the soft fluffy bed. Her mind drifted into sleep; she was floating, rising into the air. The breeze cooled her skin and ruffled her hair. Soon Kailyn landed and saw Kadrim curled up under a tree with no covering. Now she felt guilty for taking his bedroll when he needed it tonight but she would need it later. He looked tired; he was following her but she had a healthy lead on him; he hadn't even made it out of the forest yet. Kailyn knelt beside him and stroked his dark blonde hair. She shifted closer to sit next to him; to feel his warmth against her. Kailyn’s heart was in her throat. She wanted to kiss him. She would allow herself this indulgence in her dream just this once. She leaned in even closer, turning over him and met his lips. Kadrim leaned into her and groaned; she felt wonderful in his arms. His eyelids rose to uncover his stunning blue eyes still hazy with sleep. Kadrim returned her kiss fiercely; his blood on fire. He wanted her so badly. His hand ran up her back and she shivered. With Kailyn’s hands on either side of his face she rained kisses on his brow and down his neck. Kadrim nuzzled into her neck and opened his eyes fully awake like the rest of his body.
"You have got to freaking be kidding me! Why did I deserve that?" Kadrim had only been dreaming; he was holding onto his leather bag. He was vastly agitated for his arms ached to hold Kailyn close and smell her hair. He drew in a deep breath, it even smelled like her. He looked up and saw a dark stormy cloud before his brain registered that it was raining. He might as well put up his tarp; at least she hadn't taken that. Kadrim built a makeshift cover from the rain. The ground was wet but he leaned against the tree and tried to go back to sleep; all Kadrim could think about was Kailyn.
This excerpt was too long to post on facebook so I am posting it here to share.
Kailyn was asleep as soon as she sunk into the soft fluffy bed. Her mind drifted into sleep; she was floating, rising into the air. The breeze cooled her skin and ruffled her hair. Soon Kailyn landed and saw Kadrim curled up under a tree with no covering. Now she felt guilty for taking his bedroll when he needed it tonight but she would need it later. He looked tired; he was following her but she had a healthy lead on him; he hadn't even made it out of the forest yet. Kailyn knelt beside him and stroked his dark blonde hair. She shifted closer to sit next to him; to feel his warmth against her. Kailyn’s heart was in her throat. She wanted to kiss him. She would allow herself this indulgence in her dream just this once. She leaned in even closer, turning over him and met his lips. Kadrim leaned into her and groaned; she felt wonderful in his arms. His eyelids rose to uncover his stunning blue eyes still hazy with sleep. Kadrim returned her kiss fiercely; his blood on fire. He wanted her so badly. His hand ran up her back and she shivered. With Kailyn’s hands on either side of his face she rained kisses on his brow and down his neck. Kadrim nuzzled into her neck and opened his eyes fully awake like the rest of his body.
"You have got to freaking be kidding me! Why did I deserve that?" Kadrim had only been dreaming; he was holding onto his leather bag. He was vastly agitated for his arms ached to hold Kailyn close and smell her hair. He drew in a deep breath, it even smelled like her. He looked up and saw a dark stormy cloud before his brain registered that it was raining. He might as well put up his tarp; at least she hadn't taken that. Kadrim built a makeshift cover from the rain. The ground was wet but he leaned against the tree and tried to go back to sleep; all Kadrim could think about was Kailyn.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The run in her pantyhose proved her point.
As you hopefully know I am doing nanowrimo next month (National Novel Writing Month). So I have started doing some prompts to get me warmed up the prompt is:
The run in her pantyhose proved her point.
This is what I came up with:
The run in her pantyhose proved her point. Murphy was defiantly out to get her. She was ready to just take a break from life. Her family had turned on her, her boss wanted her to redo three of the projects that had been finished for weeks and her love life was non-existent.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Then the rain started as if helping her hypothesis that this was the day from hell. The drizzle turned monsoon drenched her to the core. She could no longer feel the water dripping from her hair down her back. She was too numb to realize a handsome stranger had carefully placed his umbrella over them both.
"Rough day?" He asked his smile thawing something that was frozen inside her longer than she remembered "Here he handed her the umbrella and slipped his card in her hand, "Call me when the rain stops and you can return it to me over dinner." Dazed she asked herself...did he just ask me out? She felt like the rain had pruned her brain. Why hadn't she said anything what was wrong with her? As she stepped on the the bus 10 minutes later she looked at his card and couldn't help laughing until she cried. His name was Murphy attorney at law.
Please share your writing for this prompt or how you felt about mine.Thanks!
The run in her pantyhose proved her point.
This is what I came up with:
The run in her pantyhose proved her point. Murphy was defiantly out to get her. She was ready to just take a break from life. Her family had turned on her, her boss wanted her to redo three of the projects that had been finished for weeks and her love life was non-existent.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Then the rain started as if helping her hypothesis that this was the day from hell. The drizzle turned monsoon drenched her to the core. She could no longer feel the water dripping from her hair down her back. She was too numb to realize a handsome stranger had carefully placed his umbrella over them both.
"Rough day?" He asked his smile thawing something that was frozen inside her longer than she remembered "Here he handed her the umbrella and slipped his card in her hand, "Call me when the rain stops and you can return it to me over dinner." Dazed she asked herself...did he just ask me out? She felt like the rain had pruned her brain. Why hadn't she said anything what was wrong with her? As she stepped on the the bus 10 minutes later she looked at his card and couldn't help laughing until she cried. His name was Murphy attorney at law.
Please share your writing for this prompt or how you felt about mine.Thanks!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Fire and Ice jewelery
So I am venting my creative energy is a different mannor. Craft Warehouse had a sale on beads and I went a little crazy but what girl couldn't use new shinies especally one created by that girl? I love this one and dubbed it fire and Ice I seem to be on a contrast kick lately.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Finally she is done. whew. So far I think she is the best.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
This is the youngest and last portait in this series. Keep in mind I know her hair isnt this blond and I am still working on everypart of it. However it has been a week since my last painting posting so I wanted to give you a sneek peek.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Not nearly as happy with this one as the last one but for now he is done...I may leave him hanging next to his sister for a while then take him down and tweak him.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Young Girl
Ok she is done. My niece. I realized after I finished her that I made her lips a little shorter than in real life and it makes her look a few years older than she is.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Painting WIP
WIP. Got onto one of those paint or die moods today so I came home and started this.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Stained glass rain
Acylic on canvas board. This painting was inspired on a rainy day from stained glass windows.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Meeting doodle
In a meeting doodle.....just pen on paper. Goes to show you can draw with anything anywhere.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Ick....I need way more practice with hands. I am getting better with the watercolors though.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Again watercolor on coldpress paper. She didn't turn out quite like the book I was using but interestingly I was feeling more like she look now then shy which was more how the book showed her.
More water
watercolors on coldpress paper. Just palying with different techniques. Starting to like more work than I dislike. I am pretty sure that is a good sign.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Oregon Coast
I love the Oregon Coast. This is a loose representation of the coast. I painted this on canvas board in acrylic.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Rising Beauty
I seem to be on a roll today.....wish I had time to do this everyday. I still can't seem to make myself draw everyday.
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This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!
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Under the sea

Well I defiantly need to work on my jewel painting skills but overall I like how this piece turned out.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
RV doodle
We had an RV coloring contest at work this was my entry. I love doodling because I can do it between calls and the start/stop of the calls dosen't make the overall composition look bad.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
flavor eraser Mmmmm.....
I found this eraser holder at my local asian market in the bookstore. Easy to hold easy to use. Had to get it...well lf course then I had to draw it. :)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Changs drawing.jpg
sorry I didn't post yesterday so I decided to share something old. Hopefully I will make time to draw today.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Diet Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper is one of my favorite drinks next to CherryCoke Zero. If I look there are at least three empty bottles or cans near the computers I use.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lg Touch cell phone
This is my new phone which allows me to blog on the go I love it.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A friend came home from Ireland and saved a few coins for me. Really liked the design so l drew them. Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I think I have finally found a way to post picture here on my blog via my phone with flicker. This hopefully should be a picture of my kitty Feora. Crossing my fingers, if this works I should be able to keep up my journal here since I have been really horrible about it latley.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
testing posting from my phone. I don't think that I can post pictures though unfortunately :(.... Well the test was a success. But I have conformed that I can't seem to post pictures though. And mobile email won't do attachments either :( that makes me sad. Must find a way....more thinking is required.
Friday, May 8, 2009
04 08 09 Crayon
I have a box of crayons on my desk, so I decided to draw one. Still getting used to my watercolors though. More practice is definatly needed.
04 07 09 Highlighter
This cute little guy is a highlighter. He sits on my desk urging me to smile.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
04 06 09 flower
This is a lipstick flower that is sitting in a pot at my work. I sit near a gal who gardens and she brings in the most beautiful plants and it gives me plenty to draw. I prmise to only post two drawings a day. However I will probally have some Seattle, Wa pictures posted soon.
04 05 09 Zentangle
More and more Zentangles. I just love doing these. They relieve stress and help me clear my mind. Ok I am on track again. I may post multiples for a while.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm Back!
My husband and I went to a marriage retreat so I haven't posted in a few days. The hotel wanted $10 a DAY to use the Internet. I will be posting tonight and I might even get a few picture of Seattle from our trip. So stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
04 04 09 my little pony
EDM#6 Draw a childhood toy. My little pony was one of my favorite toys growing up. I still have a collection of them including this one. Though I think I need more practice drawing them, her butt is a little big.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
04 03 09 zentangle doodle

Here is another Zentangle. I think I am addicted. I have started to note tile patterns just so I have more to put into my Zentangles.
Monday, April 20, 2009
04 02 09 umbrella memories

EDM Challenge # 217 - Draw an umbrella
Living in Oregon it was no problem to find an umbrella to draw. I saw a child carrying this duckie umbrella and I was remedied of my first Halloween in Oregon. It was cold, wet and icky. We were introduced to a new concept trick or treating in a mall.... who dose that? Well we were from California so this was a new concept. I dressed up to mach my friends and went out into the rain (should have gone with my mother.....) My mother took my brother to the mall. His outfit that year however could have withstood the Oregon rain. He was a duck. We won duckie umbrella at Chuck E. Cheese. Then she bought him a duckie rain slicker and duckie rain galoshes. He was SUPER cute, and dry and not sick the next week.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
04 01 09 paintbrush

There seems to be paintbrush sales EVERYWHERE the last few days. School has started up again and so artists need new brushes instead of college rule paper and ball point bens.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
03 31 09 bed
EDM # 5 Challange Draw your Bed. So I will admit that this isn't my bed. I have a sliegh bed with beautiful wood but uninteresting lines. This bed however it very close to my dream bed. All carved mahogany, four poster, gorgeous.
03 30 09 rose
At my mothers physical therapist they had these fabulous red vases filled with roses. I only had time to draw one rose but the place smelled wonderful and they looked wonderful.
Sorry this post is late. This is yesterdays post. There will still be another coming for today :)
Sorry this post is late. This is yesterdays post. There will still be another coming for today :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
03 29 09 lil brothers shoe

I have learned when my brain is dry and I need to do something creative (but I don't know what) I doodle. Doodling in my friend. I really really like doing these doodles. It's art without pressure.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
03 28 09 more Zentagles
I have learned when my brain is dry and I need to do something creative (but I don't know what) I doodle. Doodling in my friend. I really really like doing these doodles. It's art without pressure.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
03 27 09 mug

EDM #4 Draw your mug or Cup. This is my water bottle for work. I also have a pink one at home. But this helps me drink more water and less soda.
Monday, April 13, 2009
03 26 09 purse
EDM #3 Draw a purse, wallet or bag. I really love these little purses. I am not a purse sort of gal. I have a bag to carry various art projects and such around. But if I did need a purse I would totally have one of these.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Zent"egg"le
In honor of Easter I did a Zentangle and decorate my easter cards with it. Enjoy and Happy Easter. God Bless.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
03 23 09 Dinner

We went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory today on the way home from Lincoln City. We forgot however it was Spring break weekend. The place was packed and it took 45 minutes to get out lunch. Journal entry for 03/23/09
Friday, April 10, 2009
03 21 09 watercolor

This is my Winsor & Newton watercolor kit. Between this and my Niji brushes I can paint anywhere. Journal entry for 03/21/09
Thursday, April 9, 2009
03 20 09 Eraser

So I lied yesterday. This is my most used art tool. I use my eraser everyday. Some days I feel like I erase more than I draw. Journal entry for 03/20/09
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
03 19 09 Heat tool

My embossing tool is probably my most used tool in my art box. I use it for almost everything. Journal entry for 03/219/09.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
03 18 09 Napkin

I am starting to realize we eat out to much. Time to find some new favorite recipes. At least it gives me new things to draw. Today we went to Old Chicago Pizza and I decided to draw the place setting before I opened it up to chow down on Mozzarella sicks. maybe next time I will draw those because they are ohh so nummy.
Monday, April 6, 2009
03 17 09 flower

This is a plant a coworker brought it. From my desk it looks like a bush. From her side there is the gorgeous flower. Journal entry for 03/17/09.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
03 16 09 lamp

Yes yes another lamp. I saw these adorable little lights and I had to draw and color them. The whole mushroom lights up. It kind of reminded me of the Mario collection in Animal Crossing. I love these little lights. I have no idea what I would do with them if I actually had one but they are cute. Someone needs to make a little forest of mushroom lights :P
Saturday, April 4, 2009
03 15 09 lamp

Speaking of blank days here is one. I used week 2 of the weekly challenge (Draw a desk lamp or other Lamp). Well being the type of person I am here is a magic lamp. I think I need to add a genie or something. Now for those of you that blog ( it doesn't have to be about drawing or journals) how do you come up with your entry titles?
Friday, April 3, 2009
03 14 09 carousel

This is a first attempt at a horse and I think what people say is correct. Horses are EXTREMELY hard to draw. They are so graceful and powerful it is hard to catch that correctly. This keeps screaming at me to be colored in but I just can't seem to wrap around the colors. Maybe I'll have to go back to Red Robin for dessert or something so I can color her in. QUESTION: For those of you that journal. Do you ever find yourself struggling with what to draw on a given day? Especially in places you see regularly like work. How do you get over it? Lately I have just been using daily drawing or a weekly challenge from Danny Gregory to fill in the blank days when my mind doesn't seem to work. Thanks for your input!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
03 13 09 wishlist
Danny Gregory did a cool thing for his wife. Instead of buying stuff he went out and drew everything he thought she would like. This inspired me to draw a wish list. Maybe I should draw everything I buy. It would really make me stop and think how badly I want or need something.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
03 12 09 Ballet

I am very very proud of myself on this one. I drew these shoes as part of a weekly challenge and was compelled to watercolor it. After the color was added it just came to life. I could almost feel her concentration and determination. I think I might have to make some bigger drawings and painting in a ballet series or something. My brain is on overtime. I have started to have a list of things I want to paint and not enough hours in the day to do them.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
03 11 09 Tea cup

I drink tea a lot and this is my favorite tea cup. The strainer fits in it perfectly and it even has a lid that doubles as a coaster. Journal entry for 03/11/09.
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