Thursday, January 22, 2009


As requested pictures of my paintings. I do more than paint, I also play (draw) with charcoal. Most of my work including the not so good stuff is on my Deaviart art page. Clickie here for that. But here are the paintings. I haven't had a chance to work on anything recently but I am trying to draw at least one thing everyday. I also have some watercolors I am happy with.

This is my first attempt at painting. Gave this one to my mother because I really don't like how the flowers turned out.

This is my second attempt at painting. I started a painting class that I was forced to drop but this was the first assignment. To create a collage with magazine pictures and paint it. Everyone else did very collage like pictures, I opted for something more graphic. I like how this one turned out. the little balls could have been cleaner but I learned a lot.

This is my favorite painting to date. Nathan even had it framed for me for Christmas. This is not the final picture of it I worked on the clouds to the bottom left a little more, however it still pretty much looks the same. The only thing I am not happy with are the clouds in the blue portion of the painting.

This painting I did for my mother for mothers day. Her favorite flower is a white lily. I am happy with how the shading on the petals turned out.

I painted this for a supervisor who left. She was a great supervisor and I considered her a friend. She was always very supportive of my art and so I gifted this to her before she left.


bubblemunch said...

Your paintings are really cool.

The one you don't like, I think your Mum should/will be really pleased with. I think the flowers 'pop' out.

Love the second painting and the lily is so pretty.

LadyAmberSkye said...

Thanks! It is nice to get encouragement from someone that isn't family. Sometimes I think they sugar coat things too much and my mother loves EVERYTHING :)